Survey Results
Survey Results:
A big thank you for everyone’s input on the congregational survey. There were 90 completed surveys and that represents a significant percentage of the congregation. All the goals were identified as being important to our congregation and will continue to be important aspects of our church moving forward. The survey results reflect what our faith community wants to be more intentional about in the future and will be combined with the other communication that Pastor Ted and the Transition Team has had to identify the top 3-4 goals that will help shape the next stages of our faith community.
The survey identified the goal of Investing in the Youth Programs as the clear top priority. Forty-eight percent (48%) of responses ranked that goal as their top priority and 84% ranked it as one of their top three priorities. The second identified priority was Developing Opportunities to Learn and Grow in Faith. Twenty percent (20%) of responses ranked this as their top priority and 54% ranked it as one of their top three priorities. The third identified priority was Facilitating Positive Relationships to One Another. Sixteen percent (16%) of responses ranked this as their top priority and 51% ranked it as one of their top three priorities. The fourth priority identified was Utilizing a Plan to Engage and Invite the Broader Jordan Community to Hope Lutheran. Twelve percent (12%) of responses ranked this as their top priority and 49% ranked it as one of their top three priorities.
Once again, we thank everyone for providing the Transition Team feedback. Please look for additional updates and opportunities to provide your input to the Transition Team as we move forward in the call process.