Parking Lot Funding Approval Request

June 28, 2023

Dear Members of Hope,

Exciting things are happening at our church! We will be having a special Congregational Meeting after church on July 9th to address our parking lot needs.

Please read the following communication from the Parking Lot Committee:

Funding Approval Request

The Parking Lot Committee is currently getting bids to fix our parking lot; we do not know the exact scope or price at this time, but time is of the essence.

The committee hopes to complete this project by late fall.  That way we can benefit from lower prices for the project since costs will be going up next year.  We can also benefit from improved snow removal with some of the suggested curbing changes.

This project is anticipated to include the replacement of all blacktop, accessibility issues, drainage, additional handicap parking spots, and curbing, among other things. The project will also address the diseased and dying trees; that work will be handled by our talented volunteers. The committee requests approval for funding of the project through a loan for approximately $120,000 to $140,000.

The meeting will be held on July 9th immediately after the service.

You are invited to attend this special meeting on July 9th.

In Christ,

Lanae McClellan

Congregation President



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