Our Call Committee

The work of our Call Committee is well underway. The focus of the first few meetings has centered on the interview process and questions for candidates. A synod representative will be attneding this week’s meeting for additional guidance on the overall call process and will bring the names of the first few candidates. Feedback from the congregation that was gathered by the Transition Team will help measute a candidate’s potential fit for our congregation’s future. If anyone has a candidate that they would like to recomment, please contact Kyle Narum. The committee welcomes all prayers for the work ahead. Please watch for future updates for the latest information.

The Hope Call Committee:

Chairperson – Kyle Narum

Vice Chairperson(s) – Jill and Derek Staloch

Communications – Molly Warmka

Chaplain – Lynda Schaumburg (alternate)

Erik Aamlid

Jess and Jason Felten

Angie Newton

Jo Nelson (alternate)

Denny Lindell


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