Hope Office Staff/Building COVID-19 Exposure Update

Congregation Members,

Earlier yesterday we were made aware that we have experienced our first positive COVID-19 exposure amongst our Hope staff. Angie notified us that she (as well as additional members of her household) tested positive for COVID-19. It is believed to be a result of exposure from outside of Hope, but based on a conversation with Pastor Steve, we wanted to provide awareness to you on the situation.

We knew this was a likely eventuality, and one of the main reasons we have taken steps to minimize congregational member and staff contact in order to reduce the likelihood of transmissions. I would ask that if anyone feels their visits to the church building over the last few days warrants an increased risk of exposure, that you take appropriate steps regarding testing/etc.

As a result of this news, Pastor Steve and Hans have made the determination to be remote (not in the church building) for the foreseeable future. They are evaluating options for this weekend’s service and will keep the congregation updated as necessary.

Please wish Angie and her household best wishes in their recovery and keep them all (and all others affected) in your prayers.


Kyle Narum

Hope Lutheran Council President

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