ELCA Good Gifts

Members of Hope Lutheran are invited to give to others this holiday season in the following ways:

* Our ELCA Good Gifts tree will be set up in the sanctuary, and we encourage families to make donations to this important outreach. Families who feel comfortable can make a visit to the sanctuary during regular church hours, collect an ornament, write a check in the amount of their donation, and drop it off in the office. Families may also donate remotely by viewing the pictures of the ELCA Good Gifts ornaments on the Hope Lutheran Church Facebook page, choosing an animal or donation, writing their check, and mailing their donation to the Hope office.

* Donations of hats and mittens are being taken for Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota. Hat and mittens may be brought to church and placed under the ELCA Good Gifts tree.

* Winter coats and snow boots are also being collected for the Jordan Area Food Shelf. Those may be dropped off at church, as well.

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