Concrete Consolation* (Driveway Communion)

April 28 will be our first Concrete Consolation of the year!  We will meet at the Schaumburg’s in New Prague at 5:15 for this short service.

Bring a lawn chair to set up at a social distance and a mask to wear.

If you are interested in hosting, please contact the office. at 952-492-2099.

Whether your driveway is asphalt or concrete – we will gather to stand on the solid promise that God’s grace is always present. As we celebrate that assurance in communion, please remember that Hope Lutheran is a part of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) which practices an “open table.”  So even if your neighbor is not Lutheran they are welcome to join us for communion.

*Consolation – “someone or something that comforts or consoles.”

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