Call Committee News from Council President Lanae McClellan

April 4, 2023

Dear Members of Hope,

A little over a year ago, Pastor Steve shared that he was resigning from his pastoral position at Hope Lutheran Church. Pastor Ted began his interim role in June, and he has helped the Transition Team create a Ministry Site Profile (MSP) for our congregation. Our MSP is nearly finished, and we are ready to begin the next step of the call process: the work of the Call Committee.

Thankfully, several members of our congregation expressed interest in joining the Call Committee. At our March council meeting, we appointed members to serve on this committee. Our goal was to have representation from different groups of people within our church.

The members of our Call Committee are:

1) Erik Aamlid

2) Jason and Jess Felten

3) Denny Lindell

4) Kyle Narum

5) Angie Newton

6) Derek and Jill Staloch

7) Molly Warmka


1) Lynda Schaumburg

2) Jo Nelson

(Couples will be one voting unit.)

We are excited for the appointed members to begin choosing candidates, interviewing potential pastors, and watching candidates preach. Their time, energy, and commitment to our church are greatly appreciated. Please pray for them throughout the process and ask God to guide their way.

We are thankful for everyone who considered joining the Call Committee, expressed interest, or suggested names of others. We are truly blessed to have members who are invested in the future of our church!

Blessings to all of you~

Lanae McClellan, Council President

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