339 results for author: hope_admin

Services for the week

April 18 Maundy Thursday ~6:45 pm Worship & Communion Recognition for 5th Graders April 19 Good Friday ~ 6:45 pm Worship Prayer Vigil ~ Follows the Good Friday service until 6 am Saturday April 21 Easter 7:30 am Worship 8:30 am Bake Sale benefiting the Mission Trip 9:00 am Worship

Palm Sunday

Join us for Worship at 9am followed by a fundraising Pancake Breakfast hosted by our Mission Trip youth and their parents. The Silent Auction ends also! Stop by and see if you have a winning bid!

Soup/Sandwich & Worship

Join us for the next 5 Wednesday's as we gather for our yearly Lenten Soup & Sandwich Suppers. Supper starts at 6:00 pm and worship begins at 6:45 pm.

Ash Wednesday

Join us Ash Wednesday for our Annual Potato Bar followed by a service for the placement of ashes on this first day of Lent. Potato Bar is at 6:00 pm and the service is at 6:45 pm. All are welcome.

Silent Auction March 3 – April 14

Our Silent Auction will begin on Sunday, March 3 and run through Sunday, April 14. Every member is encouraged to participate by donating and bidding. Donation forms may be found at the information table in the narthex. Think about the gifts you have to share! Are you an organizer...offer to organize someone's home or office, like to paint...offer to paint a room, handy with tools...be a handyman for a day and of course we all love those group meals and trips. Please write down the value of your gift so the Trustees can determine the opening bids. Drop your donation off at the office. Get ready to bid!

Wednesday Evening Concert

Join us for Songs of Hope, Resistance, and Freedom with Patrisha Gill Wednesday, February 20 7:00 pm (6:15pm all singers welcome early to practice a song to be included in the program).Celebrate Black History Month with Patrisha Gill, an accomplished pianist and composer, for an engaging evening of singing, stories, and music. Patrisha has composed and published several songs, four of which have been recorded by popular Christian artists, John Hall, Cynthia Clauson and Edwin Hawkins. Currently, Patrisha is a doctoral student at Pacific School of Religion.

Mission Trip Fundraiser

Monday, January 21, our Mission Trip Kiddos will be working at the New Prague Pizza Ranch to raise money for their Mission Trip to Kansas City, Missouri from 5-7:30 pm. 10% of all sales made this evening will come back to us as well as all tip money. Bring the family and tell your neighbors!

Cold Weather Policy

Cold Weather Policy Weather Cancellations In the rare situation in which severe weather would make it unsafe for members of the congregation to come to youth programming at church the following policy will be followed.  * Kids of the Kingdom and other youth activities on Sunday’s will be cancelled by the Kids of the Kingdom Administrators by 8:00 a.m. with notices emailed to participating families and posted on the church Facebook page.  * Weekday youth programming will be canceled if school extra-curricular activities are cancelled. As always we would expect that the individual dropping off the youth for programming come into ...

Advent Healing and Prayer Service

Join us December 19 at 6:00 pm for a potluck followed by a Healing and Prayer Service at 6:45 pm. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4AAFAA2DABFF2-advent3 Remember H2H and 5th Grade Youth Group ~ this takes the place of your regularly scheduled programs. All are welcome! 

Chili Cook-Off and Jason Wright Concert

Join us December 16th for a Chili Cook-Off at 6:00 pm followed by a Christmas concert by pianist Jason Wright at 7:00 pm. We will have lots of great chili, music and fellowship! All Are Welcome ~ Invite a friend or neighbor!!