A message from Pastor Steve

Greetings brothers and sisters of Hope,

At the council meeting last night (via video conference call) the decision was made to restrict access to the church building for the time being to minimize, as much as possible, the possibility of the transmission of Corona virus. Only those with essential business will be admitted.  The office administrator and Pastors will be available by phone during normal business hours.  At other times we are also available by phone.

Church office 952-492-2099  Pastor Steve 952-210-6180  Pastor Hans 952-452-4988

We want to do everything possible to mitigate harm and promote the well-being of all in our community.

We are all responsible to keep our distance from one another out of love.  (What a strange thing to say!)  HOWEVER, we need not be isolated and lonely! PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO REACH OUT TO EACH OTHER BY PHONE.

The video meeting last night, while not the same as sitting around a table together, was still an experience being with all the members of the council.

So check in with each-other regularly as a christian duty in the strange circumstance.

Remember to tune in to the worship services that we will be posting on our Facebook page.

Love to you all as you hunker down to ride this public health crisis out. Think of it, at least partly, as an opportunity to practice God’s presence in your own quiet contemplative way.  Perhaps you would be willing to share some at home spiritual practices that you are finding helpful.

Pastor Steve



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