Congregational Meetings July 9th & July 16th

July 3, 2023

Dear Members of Hope,

What a unique summer! It is very rare to have two Congregational Meetings held on back-to-back Sundays. Per Hope’s Constitution, only one item of business can be discussed at each special meeting.  As a result, we will have two separate meetings.


July 9th – Parking Lot Information and Vote

July 16th – Pastoral Call Information and Vote

Information regarding July 9th:

The Parking Lot Committee is currently getting bids to fix our parking lot; we do not know the exact scope or price at this time, but time is of the essence. The committee hopes to complete this project by late fall. That way, we can benefit from lower prices for the project since costs will be going up next year.  We can also benefit from improved snow removal with some of the suggested curbing changes. This project is anticipated to include the replacement of all blacktop, accessibility issues, drainage, additional handicap parking spots, and curbing, among other things. The project will also address the diseased and dying trees; that work will be handled by our talented volunteers. The committee requests approval for funding the project through a loan for approximately $120,000 to $140,000.

Information regarding July 16th:

After reviewing profiles, conducting interviews, and much discussion and discernment, Call Committee members unanimously agreed to recommend an individual to meet with the Council. The Council was equally impressed with the candidate and unanimously approved the Call Committee’s recommendation. At the Congregational Meeting on July 16th, members of Hope will learn about our potential future pastor. The Call Committee is eager and excited to share more with you on this day! (Per Synod guidelines, the candidate’s name must remain confidential until the day of our Congregational Meeting.) We will vote to extend the Call at this meeting.

Please plan to attend both meetings! We will begin right after our church service. Thanks!

In Christ,

Lanae McClellan

Congregation President

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