Vacation Bible School July 31st – August 3rd

Vacation Bible School at Hope Lutheran ~ July 31st – August 3rd

Join us for a Monumental adventure this summer! Through exploring God’s awesomeness, kids will form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. VBS will be held July 31st – August 3rd from 9 a.m. to noon at Hope Lutheran Church. Registration for VBS is now open. Volunteers are vital to making VBS a success!  We are always blessed to have wonderful help, and those who volunteer leave the week feeling blessed and uplifted from witnessing the joy the children experience learning about God’s love.  If someone in your family is interested in volunteering make sure to check the YES  option for volunteering found on the registration form. Volunteers will be contacted with more information in July.

Contact or the church office with questions.

We look forward to having fun and learning about God with your child(ren) this summer!

Click HERE to register.


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